
Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Pork loin with paprika over coals

Pork loin is lean and relatively inexpensive and is a good vehicle for strong flavour as it has little of its own. I like to poach it for a porcine version of Vitello tonnato...but that's another story.

The Voer bloggers left behind a little care package after they came to lunch all those far flung weeks ago. And in it was a pretty little cloth bag of smoked paprika, from Hungary, of course. I looked at it. I looked at the pork loin. I walked to the herb garden and picked a handful of summer savoury, the borsikafű of Hungary.

I chopped the fresh herbs, about a cupful, and mixed with them a tablespoon of the paprika and half a teaspoon of salt. I patted this all over the pork loin and let it sit in the fridge for a couple of hours. I lit the braai fire outside in the Mickey Mouse grill, so named because my father thought it puny. But it makes the hottest fires of all.

About 8-10 minutes to a side, and then a tricky balancing act to cook each end.

I let it ressssssst, covered with tented foil. We ate it with a mayonnaise thinned with a little lemon juice and to which another teaspoon of paprika had been added.

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